Core concepts
Pedagogical and didactic literature contains various schools of thought, each with unique definitions and interpretations of core concepts. These variations depend on the author’s philosophical perspective and context. Here, we share our interpretations of the key concepts used on this website.
General Pedagogy
A broad term encompassing educational and training activities, applicable to both a trade and a profession (Abrahamson, 2013).
Definitions of pedagogy in the context of influence:
- To reduce feelings of powerlessness.
- To encourage others to comply, but through their own volition (Schmidt, 2021).
General Didactics
The practical-theoretical approach to planning, implementing, assessing, and critically analyzing teaching and learning (Hiim & Hippe, 2007, p. 14).
Subject-Specific Didactics
Subject-specific didactics encompasses the reflections related to a subject and its teaching, aiming to enhance understanding of the subject’s nature, legitimize its value, and improve knowledge about how the subject can be learned, taught, and developed. (Adapted from Lorentzen & Aase, 1998, p. 7).
The actions intended to promote the acquisition of knowledge, skills, insights, and understanding (Winther-Jensen, 2013).
Learning can be broadly and generally defined as “any process in living organisms that leads to a lasting change in capacity and is not merely due to forgetting, biological maturation, or aging” (Illeris, 2006, p. 15).
The ability to apply competencies acquired in one situation to another context is known as transfer (Wahlgren, 2013, p. 5).